Performance Calculation
Independent calculation of investment returns using data provided by the Fund’s custody bank or verification of investment returns from individual manager statements.
IPS offers oversight services designed to assist Trustees in their monitoring of a fiduciary consultant or Outsourced CIO.
OCS can be customized to include any of the following services:
Independent calculation of investment returns using data provided by the Fund’s custody bank or verification of investment returns from individual manager statements.
Executive summary to accompany quarterly reports summarizing results, comparisons, and key points of interest for meetings that IPS does not attend.
Ongoing quarterly performance reporting and peer universe ranking; risk reporting, and asset allocation.
Quarterly compliance monitoring of OCIO/Fiduciary Consultant and investment managers.
Review appropriateness of recommendations and actions taken by OCIO/Fiduciary Consultant.
Monitoring asset flows including capital calls by investment managers.
Attendance at Board of Trustees meetings.