Investment Manager Searches
IPS believes the fundamental role of an investment consultant is identifying qualified investment managers that can consistently meet the needs and investment objectives of a client.
We have disciplined procedures for manager research and employ a proprietary process and specialized selection criteria for each asset class. All IPS research is conducted internally by a dedicated team of analysts and is completely objective. Once investment managers are identified by our research staff, comprehensive due diligence is conducted on each manager including detailed questionnaires, document review, verification of compliance procedures, and in-person interviews. For many alternatives investments, an on-site due diligence meeting is conducted as part of the standard review process. After our research analysts have selected investment managers in each category, a written analysis of each manager is prepared for review by the IPS Investment Committee. All investment managers used for client accounts are approved by the IPS Investment Committee.
IPS conducts on-going due diligence on each investment manager on our “Approved” list. This includes quarterly performance reviews, calls or in-person meetings, and compliance questionnaires. Throughout a year, a manager can be added or removed from the “Approved” list. IPS conducts a thorough review of all investment managers on an annual basis.