IPS has a proprietary process for identifying investment managers that consistently add value to an investment portfolio in terms of risk and return.
Under the Direction of Chief Investment Officer, Chris McDonough, the IPS Manager Research Department is led by Dan Melloh, Director of Manager Research. In conjunction with the IPS Investment Committee, the Manager Research Department has developed internal criteria for each asset class and considers a variety of factors when evaluating the suitability and consistency of a potential investment manager. In addition, our specialized research analysts employ multiple methods of evaluation when considering an investment manager including verification of performance authenticity, detailed review of investment process, verification of compliance procedures and insurance, quantitative analysis, and on-site due diligence meetings.
Our process is completely independent and rigorous in terms of attention to detail and documentation. Our research analysts review and meet with hundreds of investment managers and conduct numerous due diligence meetings each year.
IPS maintains a master “Approved” list of managers representing various asset classes. All investment managers considered for client use must be approved by the IPS Investment Committee. Managers on the “Approved” list are reviewed quarterly in terms of performance evaluation, due diligence questionnaires, in person meetings, and calls. Our thorough, on-going due diligence helps ensure that our clients have the ability to utilize best in class investment managers to help them achieve their goals.